# Feed Reader The Old Reader Supports JSON Feed (created Apr 3, 2018) My preferred feed reader is the web-based app ... => https://theoldreader.com ... which I can use on any internet-connected device that uses a web browser that supports JavaScript. This is a good example of using JavaScript. I log into The Old Reader to manage and read my subscription feeds. I had no idea that The Old Reader supported the Reece-Simmons JSON Feed format that got released about a year ago. => https://jsonfeed.org I simply tested my sawv.org JSON feed ... => http://sawv.org/feed.json ... by adding it to The Old Reader. I expected an error, but instead, it worked, although it only displayed 10 items, even though my JSON feed contained more than 10. I removed the my rss.xml feed from The Old Reader. I want to test my JSON feed more. I read this post today. => https://boffosocko.com/2018/03/30/its-time-for-an-rss-revival-wired > There's also been the emergence of JSON feed in the past year **which many of the major feed readers already support.** That line intrigued me. I "heard" that one or two feed readers had added JSON feed support, but Chris's post implied that more feed readers than I realized now support JSON feed. And that's why I tried using my feed in The Old Reader. I realize that XML and JSON are plumbing that connects programs, and that the formats are not meant to be read by humans, but at times, like with API programming development, I like to read the JSON output, and JSON is easier for me to read than XML. Reading and creating JSON is easier than XML, in my opinion. Given the choice, I'll choose JSON over XML. For my web-based static site generator app called Sora that's written in Lua, I had only planned to output the h-feed/h-entry feed file, since it's HTML, and I access the h-feed file often at sawv.org. This ... => http://sawv.org/mft.html ... is the closest thing to the homepage for a blog site. It contains MicroFormats. A couple feed readers can read h-feed files. This is definitely my preferred feed format, since it's HTML. But second would be JSON feed. I may add JSON feed support to Sora and leave off RSS support. That would be the first time that I did not output RSS in one of my web publishing apps. When I launched toledotalk.com in January 2003, I included RSS support. Sometimes, I view the word "RSS" to be an umbrella term that means feeds, regardless if the feeds were created with RSS-XML, Atom-XML, JSON, or HTML. It's all good. It's a feed. The JSON feed functions the same way. It all looks the same within The Old Reader. June 2017 knowledge base post at The Old Reader website: => https://theoldreader.uservoice.com/forums/187017-feature-requests/suggestions/5945066-add-support-for-json-feeds > Just rolled out support for JSON Feed. And => https://theoldreader.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/146276-how-many-posts-per-feed-do-you-store > How many posts per feed do you store? > > When you **initially** import your OPML file or **add a new subscription, we just mark the latest 10 posts** in your subscriptions as unread. However, all new posts will be added to your unread items as they get published. And of course, micro.blog supports importing content via JSON Feed in addition to RSS. => https://micro.blog -30- ``` dir : 2018/04/03 ```