# Test Post - You won't believe this clickbaity headline (N De Plume - 9th June 2021) Doggo ipsum heckin angery woofer very taste wow smol borking doggo with a long snoot for pats you are doing me a frighten, ur givin me a spook. H*ck waggy wags much ruin diet doggorino fluffer, shooberino long water shoob smol. Porgo much ruin diet wrinkler doggorino, shoob very jealous pupper. => /2021/06/09/alex-russell-saw-Dj8cxyi9ink-unsplash-1.jpg "The most angery pupper I have ever seen" - Photo: Alex Russell-Saw (700x526) Borkf adorable doggo boof h*ck maximum borkdrive, most angery pupper I have ever seen shibe big ol pupper, heckin angery woofer extremely cuuuuuute ruff. Woofer big ol I am bekom fat pupperino shooberino, long bois snoot. ## And then something else happened Blop smol pats doge you are doin me a concern, long water shoob wrinkler. Much ruin diet clouds fluffer long water shoob, pupper. Ruff heckin good boys and girls wow very biscit h*ck mlem, blop borking doggo. Such treat dat tungg tho doggorino boof puggorino, very jealous pupper much ruin diet. Yapper long woofer what a nice floof I am bekom fat shoob ur givin me a spook such treat, borking doggo boof fluffer pupper. Heckin angery woofer borkdrive fluffer porgo doggo, smol borking doggo with a long snoot for pats long doggo. Very taste wow I am bekom fat long water shoob snoot long water shoob borkdrive heckin angery woofer, pats pupperino stop it fren long woofer heck. I am bekom fat smol boof very taste wow boofers shoob, noodle horse fluffer ruff. Clouds pupperino very good spot blop such treat most angery pupper I have ever seen, maximum borkdrive floofs bork. => / Home -------------------- good article: => https://localghost.dev/2021/06/the-right-tag-for-the-job-why-you-should-use-semantic-html/ but the annoying web version of my test Gemini page: => https://codepen.io/sophiekoonin/pen/yLMjMgQ The main article discussed HTML5 semantic tags and making web pages accessible, which should be a priority of websites. But the author displayed example web pages in a system that failed to function on my old iPhone, even with JavaScript enabled. Displaying the code at codepen.io is fine, but why not display the actual HTML pages on the localghost.dev website? Jeesh. codepen.io failed to function completely when I used the Palemoon web browser with all protections dropped in the uMatrix clone browser extension. I had to use a bloated modern web browser, Chrome, in order to view the authors sample page that allegedly used good semantic HTML5 tags. Anyway, the sample article was a news page, which is right up my alley. This is a good example of how Gemini is superior to the web. And this is yet another example of how I believe article pages should be structured or designed for a reader-friendly experience. The author's sample web page contained a cookie banner, which is a European annoyance thingy, I think. Actually, it's due to the abusive abilities that the web provides. Gemini does not support cookies, which, obviously, means no cookie banner. The sample article page does what all news orgs do: displays sitewide header and footer cruft on the ARTICLE page. All that's needed is a link to the homepage, which can contain the header and footer crap. Does the "About Us" link need to exist at the bottom of every news article? I don't think so. I'm not sure a search link needs to exist on article pages. The search link can exist on the homepage. Web-based news article pages should focus strictly on ... the news article. The title for the article should begin after the HTML "body" tag. Simple. The author's sample news article page contained an embedded image that was sized a humane, reader-friendly 700 x 526 pixels. Many news orgs uses huge images even though the articles will probably be read on phones. Even this sample image of the dog is probably too big, but it's decent enough, size-wise. The beauty of Gemini is that Gemini does not support embedding images. Media orgs could structure their article pages in a humane, lightweight manner by only linking to the images, videos, and social media crap, instead of embedding that heavy content and significantly inflating the amount of content that gets downloaded. I like Gemini's approach of letting READERS decide whether to click on heavy content. I added the pixel size in parens to my example usage above. I downloaded the dog image from the author's sample page, and I placed it on my Gemini site, located in the same folder as this post. I consider the Gemini version to be more secure, more eco-friendly, more semantic, more humane, and more reader-friendly than the web version. The semantic parts of the Gemini version: * the single pound sign located at the start of a line indicates a Header 1 line. I only use one Header 1 per post, and I use it to indicate the title of the post. * text separated by at least two newlines = paragraphs. * when a line starts with =>, that indicates a link line. Gemini only supports one link per line, and the links must be structured in this manner. Gemini does not support inline linking, which I now prefer. Obviously, this can be done on the web. Over the past year, I have structured my web posts in Gemtext fashion. * not semantically-related, but Gemini preserves newlines. I added another blank line ahead of the Heading 2 line. I like extra spacing above heading lines that occur down in an article. * when a line starts with two pound signs, it indicates a Heading 2 line. for me, I normally reserve H2 lines for sub-titles, which occur underneath the main title. I only use H2 lines occasionally. For the heading lines that occur within an article, I mainly use the H3, and I have structured my web posts this way for years. But web accessibility testing when a web page uses an H1 and H3 with no H2 lines. For this sample post, I broke from my preferred method of structuring article content by using the H2 line, instead of the H3. I may re-think my H2 and H3 usage for future Gemini posts. That's it for the sample post, which was a copy of the author's sample post. By copying, I mean the content. The Gemtext markup spec is tiny, but it covers over 90 percent of what I need for creating my posts for the internet. It probably covers nearly 100 percent. ### Testing formatting * *one asterisk* around those two words equals bolding * _one underscore_ around those two words equals underlining * one plus sign around those two words equals nothing * ~one tilde~ around those two words equals nothing * !one exclamation! point around those two words equals nothing * __two underscores__ around those two words equals nothing * ^one carrot^ around those two words equals nothing ``` dir : 2021/06/09 ``` -30-